New members welcome
Carter dodges progay order
President Carter issued a formal statement on gay issues March 3, dashing hopes that his administration will issue an executive order banning discrimination in the federal government or support a gay rights plank at the Democratic
Instead, Carter tried to mollify gays by outlining a record of
Annual GEAR meeting June 15
The general membership of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources Foundation (GEAR) will be asked to make some major decisions concern ing the future of the organization at the annual meeting scheduled for June 15, at 2 p.m. at the Community Center. 1012% Sumner Court, Cleveland. Unlike regular Board of Trustee meetings, all decisions at the annual meeting involve the wishes of the paid general membership, who have exclusive voting rights. Among the items on the agenda are: the election of six new trustees to fill expiring terms on the Board; the proposed new Community Center; a change in the basic organizational structure.
Clearly the most important item will be the changing of the organizational structure. The
resolutions to be presented are
as follows:
1) The present positions of Treasurer and Secretary to the Foundation be abolished.
2) Four Vice-Presidential positions be created as follows: Vice President of Communications; Vice President of Services; Vice President of Finances; and Vice President of Publications.
3) Committees currently in existence be reviewed and regrouped according to the newly created divisions of the Foundation
4) The creation of a system of communications in which each committee reports to a Vice President who is responsible for insuring that other pertinent parties have information relating to Foundation activities.
5) Each Trustee to the Board
Coalition planning Festival '80
The Greater Cleveland Gay Baths throughout the state. Coalition, organizers of Gay Festival '79, have met twice this year in an effort to get plans under way for another Labor Day Weekend Picnic.
The most recent meeting of the group was held May 28th at the Crown Cafe on Lorain Avenue in Cleveland. At that meeting new executive officers were elected and a Site Selection Committee, as well as several other committees were formed.
Elected President of the ofga ization was Oscar Hagopian (Ozzie) a familiar and popular face around Cleveland. Others elected to executive board slots Included: Sheldon Hanselman (New Dimensions), 1st vice president; Dan Caulfield, vice president: Steve Casper (620's
Last year's event was held at Meadow Ridge Farm near Huntsburg and Windsor, Ohio (approximately 40-50 miles southeast of Cleveland): That picnic was held on the Sunday before Labor Day and pulled a record 1,200 plus gays from as far away as Ontario, Canada, Florida, and Texas. Rain and a slightly chilly air were not even enough to stop those determined picnicers from enjoying their last "official" outing of the season.
Projects for this year have already reached the 2,000-3.000 level. Energy and enthusiasm for doing something like this again in Ohio appear to be running high..
Hagopian said, "Last year's Festival was a good beginning.
be responsible for serving on at least one committee or an Executive position.
6) Committee chair persons be made responsible for:
a) the maintenance and submission of all records of members of the committees. b) calling and presiding over monthly meetings. c) preparation of monthly committee reports as per format established by the Board for presentation to the same at monthly board meetings.
7) The committees created are to be as comprehensive as possible with each committee empowered to create subcommittees as needed so long as subcommittee activities fall within the scope of the committee.
Foundation members are urged to attend. New members will be admitted to the Foundation and are encouraged to attend. Further information can be obtained by calling the Hotline at 621-3380.
GEAR Center to expand services
By Thom David
NEW FACES-Two new GEAR committees have been set up to expand services at a new Community Center. Dianne Fishman heads the Activities Committee. to plan and encourage more gay social events at the Center itself and around the city. David-Allen Hanslik heads the Fundraising Committee, to coordinate all moneyraisers for the GEAR Foundation. All questions or information about any activities or fundraisers should be directed to Dianne or David. Messages for them can be left at the Gay Hotline, 621-3380.
The main idea is to increase the social alternatives available to gay Clevelanders and who to contact when you have an idea. A Night at the Front Row? A bowling league? Check with. Dianna. A plan for funding the Center? A way to draw donations for a united gay community building? Call David.
BIGOTRY-Although we have been threatened and may not be
able to move into the W. 14th building. GEAR will still set up a Center to provide needed servi ces to the gay community.
AT THE GCC The Women's Raps, every other Monday, and the Friday Night Raps continue to delve into gay lifestyles and concerns. Both women and men facilitators are needed to work with the growing groups. The GEAR Potluck is held every fourth Saturday and draws a crowd of 20 to 40 persons. A menu ranging from roast turkey to prune danish.
CALLING 621-3380 Hotline continues its phenomenal growth under the direction of Kirk. Twenty-five volunteers field over 600 calls a month. There are currently six new volunteers in training. Kirk runs a four to five week training program on Sundays. A NEW PROGRAM BEGINS ON SUNDAY, MAY 18th, 5:00 PM. at the GCC. See you there?
Shamu), secretary; and Joey However, we want to expand and AJC opposes discrimination
Kosillewski, treasurer.
Many organizational details were brought to question and promptly referred to their respective committees. The most important seeming to be that of the site for this year's event and the exact date.
Details of the event appear to be developing quickly and will be publicized in the gay media and through the bars, Various Social /service organizations, and Club
build yet learn from our experience. It's a big job and we're going to need everyone's help again this year. We welcome all who are willing to work with us to more fully realize our slogan, "We Are Family."
The next meeting of the group will be June 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Crown Cole (4163 Lorain Appel, Cleveland The public
is invited to attend.
The American Jewish Congress has approved a resolution that forbids anti-gay discrimination.
The vote came May 4 at the organization's 1980 blennial convention in Washington, D.C. The resolution puts AJC on record against "all discriminaUon against homosexuals in employment, housing, military
service and other areas."
The measure was submitted by San Francisco stockbroker Bernard Pechter, who is on the group's board of directors, and Rabbi Allen Bennett, the country's only openly gay rabbi, also of San Francisco. AJC's North ern California Division unanimously backed the resolution.
* similiar measure was
defeated by AOC foydars ago กา County of THE ADVOCATE
accomplishments on "most of the public issues articulated historically within the gay community." The letter, signed by top campaign leader Robert Strauss, cited actions which gave gay organizations tax-exempt status, codified protections given federal civil service employees earlier by court decisions, and measures taken by his appointees to government agencies.
Implicit in Carter's letter was the message that as President he is taking quiet steps to bring gays into the mainstream of American politics while other candidates can only make campaign pledges. Both Sen. Edward Kennedy and California Gov. Jerry Brown have promised to sign an executive order, support the gay rights bill in Congress, and support a party plank. Of the Republicans, only Illinois Congressman John Anderson has made that pledge, while other candidates have given general statements of opposition to "discrimination.".
'There is a clear need to rectify institutionalized prejudice in government," said NGTF Codirectors Lucia Valeska, and Charles Brydon. "We specifically dispute the President's contention that the exemptions in the Civil Service Reform Act preclude an executive order." Carter's letter had said that 95 per cent of federal employees were covered under that act, and that the remaining five per cent were not subject to executive discretion.
Generally, however, White House officials have been anxious to explain to gay leaders that there is a "new feeling of openness". In the White House toward the gay community. This has been expressed, they say, by an increased willingness to use White House staff to express gay community concerns to federal agencies, resulting in some positive changes. Last fall, wen former Florida Gov. Reuben Askew testified before a Senate committee that he would discriminate against gays in hiring, the White House told him to retract the statement. Askew then sent a letter saying he would obey the new federal laws banning such discrimination.
Gay leaders and White House officials both say that the greatest test of Carter's willingness to act on gay concerns will come following a final decision by the Justice Department on the handling of "suspected homosexuals" seeking to enter the country. To date, the Justice Department is still reviewing a final decision on how such exclusions will, be handled.
courtesy of THE ADVOCATE